6 Skills You Need To Become A Powerful Leader
What exactly is a leader? For many people, the word ‘leader’ is synonymous with ‘manager,’ ‘boss,’ or even ‘influencer.’ However, leadership goes beyond that. Being a leader is not a function or official title; in fact, true leadership is a set of behaviors and a charismatic attitude that make others want to respect and take note.
While some people are natural leaders, others may need to develop their leadership skills to fulfill certain roles. Although there is no such thing as the ‘perfect’ leader, all good leaders share similar skills, personalities, and behavior.
Here are some suggestions to help you become a powerful leader:
What to Avoid
First, let's talk about what a bad leader is, so you get a better understanding of what to avoid.
Bad leaders tend to be associated with the following traits
They focus more on problems than solutions
They think they know everything
They are usually not there for their teams
They view people as tools
They don't know how to listen
They are suspicious
They're never thankful
They are egocentric
They don't delegate or let others make decisions
So if none of those apply to you, awesome! You're on the right track. If you find yourself being guilty of one (or more) of these beliefs/traits, then it may be time to reevaluate and reset your practices.
How to Become A Powerful Leader
In order to become a powerful leader (or grow into one over time), the most important thing to keep in mind is the power of change. In other words, be malleable. Although a leader is someone who is perceived as strong, this doesn’t mean that you have to be set or ‘stuck’ in your ways.
The best leaders are always shifting, growing, and improving!
Here are some skills to keep in mind and hone in on as you strive to improve:
1. Be Humble
If you are a leader, you are leading a team that looks up to you.
Highlight the strengths of your people rather than their weaknesses. Bring out the best in everyone, express your gratitude for a job well done, and give frequent thanks.
Another simple tip is to smile at everyone! This makes everyone feel seen and appreciated.
2. Learn to Communicate
Share with others what you are trying to accomplish. Share your goals and objectives. Explain your intentions in a positive way. Remember that bad leaders only pay attention to problems.
So, visualize and communicate your ideal vision and metrics for success. When you bring your team into the conversation, you can all engage and move forward towards the same goal(s).
3. Be Attentive
A good leader listens to their people.
Learn to listen to others and connect with your team. Ask them what they think, find out what concerns them, and respect their professional opinion about the projects you are working on.
4. Ask For Feedback
One of the signs that show you are on the right path to being an effective leader is asking for feedback from everyone, including your team.
Do not be afraid of criticism. On the contrary, a good leader should know how to surround themselves with people who are ready to tell them things how they are without sugarcoating. Being ready for constructive criticism, as it is a huge leadership skill!
5. Think Strategically
Take a close look at your surroundings in a way to see what others don't see. Learn how to go beyond the superficial details when positioning your business, and focus on the reasons behind the decisions you're making.
6. Switch From Singular to Plural
When speaking, use "we" instead of "I". Speak in the plural in order to make others feel included.
You are a whole, a team of people with common goals. You are all pushing that big heavy rock up the hill. As a leader, you certainly don’t want to be the one sitting on that rock while the others push.
The more you use “we,” the stronger the link between everyone on your team becomes. This will make them want to work together, hand in hand, towards your goal.
Leadership Starts With You
Before leading a team, you probably were under the supervision of a manager. Everyone has been there at some point.
What did you expect from your managers? What did you dislike? What characteristics or qualities made them good managers in your eyes? Was it communication, motivation, integrity?
By asking yourself these questions and considering the answers, you can learn to adopt positive traits and continue to grow as a charismatic, powerful leader to your team.
Article by Melie Crief
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