FWD Feature: Marisa Donnelly, Founder, Be A Light Collective
FWD Collective is excited to announce that Marisa Donnelly, Founder of Be A Light Collective, will be joining us as a speaker for A Very FWD February 2021! Marisa will be hosting a guided journaling session and sharing her insights on a panel during the track WellnessFWD.
Guided Journaling - Creating Space, Working Towards Goals Without Using Yourself In the Process
Panel - Next Level Mentality, Slowing Down to Level Up
We had the pleasure of connecting with Marisa to ask a few questions!
What does diversity, equity, and professional inclusion mean to you?
In my opinion, DEI means creating spaces where people of all walks, stories, backgrounds, races, experiences, and abilities can feel included, supported, and understood. In the business sphere, it also means providing opportunities to ALL people in an effort to not only reduce discrimination, but to bring forth true fairness, collaboration, and connection.
How have you experienced and/or dealt with adversity in your professional and personal life?
As a young female business owner, I have experienced judgement and biases based on my sex and age. However, the main adversity I've experienced in both my personal and professional lives is around my motherhood journey. As a bonus mom and stepping into a role that is not a "real" (read: biological) parent, yet wearing the proverbial hat, I have faced many obstacles in advocating for my son, in finding my own voice and confidence, and in navigating systems around child/parent rights and responsibilities. My son also has special needs, so this has sent me on a journey for special needs advocacy and overcoming obstacles for him and on behalf of him, all while navigating my own place and role as his "mom." This is the largest reason I'm so passionate about the platforms I've built to support children and parenting stories, especially those like mine that are non-traditional in nature.
What would be one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
If I could go back and tell my younger self something, I would say, simply, "You are enough." I've spent so many years of my life trying to be perfect, trying to chase this 'ideal' that doesn't really exist, and pushing myself trying to prove to others, and really, to prove to myself, that I was enough... and I simply am.
All of us are, inherently, enough.
Name three things that you do everyday to help lead you to success.
1. Wake up early. As a morning person, I work best in the early hours of the day. I call this my 'zen zone' and I think it's pivotal to figure out your own time and lean into it. For me, I have a coffee, computer open, clothes on, and day started before 5 each morning.
2. Create mini to-do lists that are pulled from my master list. Nothing is more frustrating than having time to do something and not being sure what to do. I create these "mini-lists" to organize my time and help me to stay on task with my goals. It also feels really good to cross off items and throw these small lists away, while slowly shortening the master lists, too.
3. Take time away from work to rest, be with family, and go into "DND" mode. I preach this to my students and son, and so I have to practice it! Moving away from the constant grind in becoming a parent has led me on a journey of "unplugging." I now spend a portion of every day without any technology so I can solely be present with my family and friends and not be pulled in two directions at once.
Who inspires your professional ambition? Why?
Honestly, I am the most inspired by my son.
As we've navigated the past few years together in our new roles of "mama" and "kiddo," we've learned so many things about one another and really connected in our sensitivity and empathy for others. He has led me on one of the most incredible journeys—parenting—and I am forever humbled by his grace and patience with me. I often joke that he has taught me more about life than I have taught him. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we literally went from slowly navigating our mother-son journey to being with one another full-time. I am his full-time caregiver, playdate and appointment coordinator, sandwich-maker, morning wakeup, and full-time teacher. It's been a lot, but this time has brought us together. He is my drive and inspiration, every single day, to get out of bed, smile, and keep going no matter life's circumstances. My only hope is that he looks back on this time with fond memories.
What is your favorite book? Or the one you'd recommend most?
There are so many books out there! One that has truly re-shaped my personal and professional life is Shauna Neiquist's "Present Over Perfect." As someone who was constantly struggling with work-life balance and trying to be "enough," this book stopped me in my tracks. In reading, I realized that while I was trying to do and be everything, I was actually missing out on the most beautiful parts of life.
What are the top 3 things you'd like us to know about your business or company?
1. Be A Light Collective is a creative marketplace (where you can find resources to build your personal and professional ventures), online community (where you can connect with other like-minded professionals, network, grow, and share your work on the platform), and services business (where you can invest in yourself through content writing services, editing, coaching, and more).
2. Our focus is relationship-bases services that fight back against the typically impersonal editor-client environment and offer personalized feedback, honest conversation, and opportunities for collaboration and true connection.
3. We are dedicated to helping our clients succeed. Beyond offering spaces to connect and services to purposefully grow, we are committed to providing opportunities and offers that provide a personal touch. As the CEO & Creative Director, I am closely involved in everything, so when you invest in us, you will get to meet and work with me personally.
Anything else you'd like to highlight or think we should know?
I launched the VulnerABILITY Podcast, a series dedicated to real, honest, and open conversations. Covering topics of love/relationships, overcoming addiction/abuse, careers and purpose, self-love, parenting, and everything in-between, this podcast unapologetically shares the moments and musings of life.
I am always looking to share more stories and voices. You can learn more here and inquire by email: hello[at]marisadonnelly[dot]com
Check out Marisa’s bio here.
Connect with Marisa: Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook