FWD Feature: Felicia Shakespeare Founder, Mclass: Master Mentor Motivate
FWD Collective is excited to announce that Felicia Shakespeare has joined the speaker roster for our Chicago Summit on September 13th 2018!
Felicia recently founded "mClass" a network focused on providing women with tools and resources who are seeing to become the best version of themselves in business and in their personal lives. We had the pleasure to ask her a few questions and learn about the things that motivate her.
What does diversity, equity, and professional inclusion mean to you?
Diversity, equity, and professional inclusion are non-negotiables. In order to build a strong team in any spectrum of a workforce dynamic, it is critical that these topics are addressed head on. The challenges and goals of every organization should be to focus on becoming "better' or "best." The reality is every entity is made up of individuals who are constantly in personal development and growth mode. Addressing these matters at the forefront and intentionally, helps to achieve global success. Global success is not just about going "worldwide" but for companies and organizations it means measuring performance beyond "the bottom line" results. Equally the measure of investment goes into caring for and valuing their human resources.
How have you experienced and/or dealt with adversity in your professional and personal life?
Absolutely! There were many instances at the onset of my career where I was afforded opportunities to join thriving organizations of which I admired their work and reputation. Upon on boarding quickly learned that I was either " the first" and/or "the only" African American or African American woman to grace those work spaces. Additionally, in many instances I was one of the youngest members on the team. The level of difference it took to achieve equity in career opportunities (which directly impacts pay) was a major roadblock that I had to address repeatedly. I had a "double" fight for all ground taken, just by the nature of what a corporate entity would require. Because of resilience, much perseverance and seeking out proper mentorship I made headway toward my career goals. I had to be very intentional about everything that I wanted to accomplish. And I was able to get there!
What would be one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
Live your dreams girl and stop giving life to the negative internal and external voices of fear and negativity. Move forward with a plan of action to achieve all that you were destined too and be unapologetic about it!
Name three things that you do everyday to help lead you to success.
Plan, prepare, and execute!
Who inspires your professional ambition? Why?
At this juncture seeing individuals who thrive in their lane of life is what inspires me the most. I realize that we are all valuable in our own right and the more that we focus on being the best version of ourselves, then will we find true fulfillment and contentment.
What is your favorite book? Or the one you'd recommend most?
My favorite book right now is my book "You Are Your Brand: Building From the Inside Out." The reason it's my favorite book is because of the testimonials and feedback I receive from readers. This lets me know that the content is purposefully changing one life at a time!
What are the top 3 things you'd like us to know about your business or company?
mClass is a women's network that is focused on three pillars: Master, Mentor, Motivate through online and offline platforms. The master topics are focused on some "thing" I've identified that globally all women can work to improve (i.e self-care, wellness). The mentorship opportunities are for those women who need access to this type of support and are looking for a safe space. Everyone on the planet who wants to continue to move towards their goals and dreams are not shying away from motivation. At mClass you can choose the "m" or "m's" that apply to your needs.
Anything else you'd like to highlight or think we should know?
Fall 2018 Felicia will launching and hosting her inaugural "A Purpose Driven Woman" conference in Chicago (sponsored by mClass). Please join her as its set to be transformational!