FWD Feature: Blake Lenoir, B. Len Artistry, Artist
FWD Collective is excited to announce that Blake Lenoir has joined the speaker roster for our Chicago Summit on September 12th 2019! Blake will be doing a lighting talk AND painting live on site!
We had the pleasure of connecting with Blake to ask a few questions!
What does diversity, equity, and professional inclusion mean to you?
Diversity, equity, and professional inclusion to me are all extremely important to me primarily in my field of profession because a message that can turn everyone’s head is more powerful than just one unique eye or perspective. To me, it is when things are carried out with these values at the helm you can produce the best product to whatever it is being delivered. A melting pot of expression and experience allows the greater possibility to cover all points and lastly they all implement growth and learning if applied correctly.
How have you experienced and/or dealt with adversity in your professional and personal life?
Certainly! From the beginning the odds were against me being a guy that had no formal training in the medium of my choice, and saw an opportunity to separate myself, wanting all that the world had to offer in my profession and more. It was tough just making the jump, laying down the ground work in making sure that my image and my work were absolute in the notion that I could be able to be recognized for my uniqueness. It took a lot of no’s and foot work around the city, showing my work endlessly at any opportunity to make my presence and mission known to whomever would lend me an eye. I made my way and found my yes’ in a city of deterrence. In response to the process I was and am currently going under I am indulging and in appreciation of my process and instead of competing with others, I bask in competition with myself and challenging my hand with every stroke. It has in return funneled into my personal life as I use this same motto in my interpersonal & spiritual relationship and also in my relationships with my peers and significant other.
What would be one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
Challenge yourself relentlessly & be fearlessly intentional, there is no better path than the one for you and your passion is your best investment, but also let yourself enjoy the ride.
Name three things that you do everyday to help lead you to success.
I layout my next days to do list, I do SOMETHING creative, I brainstorm all day long allowing myself to be a sponge for daily inspiration.
Who inspires your professional ambition? Why?
Honestly, I am my biggest motivator for my professional ambition. I since I have been a kid have always known I have a lot to share with the world and have prided my existence on making a lasting impression on society and that’s what inspires a lot of my work in my art and in my philanthropy as an entrepreneur. I don’t see the world as a lane oriented one but as one that is as multidimensional as a kaleidoscope and I have so much more to offer the world than one dimension of expression and change. I pride my work on giving voices to the voiceless and bridging gaps between generations of individuals that lack an understanding, which in total only diminishes a unified progression. This is what I feel one of my purposes is, to mend these relationships through imagery that sparks conversational healing.
What is your favorite book? Or the one you'd recommend most?
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
What are the top three things we should know about your business or company?
It is sociologically & psychologically charged, in my work I advocate for children, everyone can take something away from it.
Anything else you'd like to highlight or think we need to know?
My goal is to evoke a chain reaction of sequence in those whom view or collect my work a reaction of self reflection and positive change. My work is ever-changing and ever-evolving, and always more than meets the eye.
Connect with Blake: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Blake’s Website