FWD Feature: Barrett Keithley, Artist
FWD Collective is excited to announce that Barrett Keithley has joined the speaker roster for our Chicago Summit on September 12th 2019! Barrett will be doing a lighting talk AND painting live on site!
We had the pleasure of connecting with Barrett to ask a few questions!
What does diversity, equity, and professional inclusion mean to you?
Diversity, equity, and professional inclusion means to me the ability to have equal socio-economical opportunities for all ethnic groups.
How have you experienced and/or dealt with adversity in your professional and personal life?
Being a minority, I have encountered countless adversities in my professional and personal life. I have dealt with all of these by being calm and responding instead of reacting. Meaning, I know that a person’s dislike of me based on my gender and or ethnicity is totally based on them. I have no control how a person thinks or reacts, I only have control over myself.
What would be one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
A piece of advice I’d give to my younger self is be more confident. Confidence opens doors.
Name three things that you do everyday to help lead you to success.
Three things I do everyday are listen to a motivating video, speak gratitude towards myself and love ones, and I motivate my family.
Who inspires your professional ambition? Why?
My will to create a world that is unbiased and full of love inspires my ambition. I am a creative, the best creations are formed out of love. It’s cliche, but love does conquer all.
What is your favorite book? Or the one you'd recommend most?
My favorite book is “Ask and Its Given,” by Ester and Jerry Hicks
What are the top three things we should know about your business or company?
The top three things I’d like for people to know about my business are:
1. We mean businesses (haha) we love to create an experience for our audience at our events. We want our audience to start and end our event with a “WOW”!
2. We love to creativity. We combine multiple forms of art to create a multi-colored experience for our audience.
3. Art is Life. Everyday we strive to find and combine art and technology to bring unique vibes to the culture.
+. We are advocates for learning and storytelling. We use storytelling and workshops as a method to inspire individuals to take their business and/or personal brands to the next level.
Anything else you'd like to highlight or think we need to know?
love creating experiences for people, every last detail is thought about. From the smell when you walk into different rooms to the colors of your napkins. :-) For me, I want people to free themselves of concern when they come to my art shows or events.