FWD Feature: Amiel Harper, The Morpheus Consultancy
FWD Collective is excited to announce that Amiel Harper has joined the speaker roster for our Chicago Summit on September 12th 2019!
We had the pleasure of connecting with Amiel to ask a few questions!
What does diversity, equity, and professional inclusion mean to you?
It's everything. Diversity is powerful because difference, when appreciated, creates greatness through the difficult moments. Growth comes from struggle, diversity and working through our differences is a struggle that leads to personal and professional growth. Equity is essential. More than giving everyone the same thing (equal), equity focuses on creating structures to give everyone what they need to be their best selves. Professional inclusion requires space to bring one's "whole self" into an environment without negative consequence. Exceptional growth comes when the three of these are combined and you have the right ingredients (Diversity), with the right structure (Equity), in the right space (Inclusion).
How have you experienced and/or dealt with adversity in your professional and personal life?
Before returning to business from law, my wife and I joked about me building my Jackie Robinson resume. Every job I had, I was the first Black in the role. It was alienating but also reminded me of my responsibility to live the inclusion principles I believed. Being the first means you must create space for the second, third, fourth, and fifth. In doing so, the first has to improve the environment for those who come behind. It's expensive, (emotionally, socially, financially), but it's the only way to make progress. My life is about that progress.
What would be one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
Become an expert in doing the necessary things that you don't want to do. Learning how to get out of my own way is a life-long journey, that I wish I would've started earlier.
Name three things that you do every day to help lead you to success.
1. Make a list of what MUST get done. Habbakuk 2:2 is one of my favorite Bible verses "Write the vision,
and make it plain on tablets,
that he who reads it may run."
2. Talk to friends. I find an immense amount of value in being a support and getting support from people I trust.
3. Kiss my son. He's my hope and inspiration.
Who inspires your professional ambition? Why?
Clarence Avant. His story of creating a life for himself and his family by being a friend and confidant in business for his community is everything I aspire to be and build.
What is your favorite book? Or the one you'd recommend most?
W.E.B. DuBois' "The Souls of Black Folk"
What are the top three things we should know about your business or company?
1. I named my company The Morpheus Consultancy because Morpheus is the Greek god of dreams. We work to create the definition and color required to make ownersβ dreams real.
2. We create and execute your strategy through in-depth analysis.
3. We go beyond possibilities to executable solutions.
Anything else we should know?
I'd like to thank the leadership at FWD for providing me this opportunity. I'm grateful for the tireless work they put in to create space for us and move the business community forward. It's an honor to be included.
Connect with Amiel & Morpheus Consultancy: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter